Friday 26 June 2015

Production Diary

Pre Production Diary

I made a mind map, in which i came up with various ideas for my 1 minute film

I asked Cameron and Chris to review my script and make notes while I also did the same for theirs. They highlighted the faults in my script that i can now improve upon as I know where these faults lie. The comments made on my script were that I should write it in a more script-like format, as it appeared that i wrote it in a more book like fashion. I was also not clear on where the film was located and it seemed as if the location changed several times throughout

I have made the necessary improvements to my script and completed my storyboard.

I have found the actress for my film and asked if she was avaliable to act in my film. I will get her to sign a n actors contract.

I have booked out the necessary equipment for the shoot and have finished my budget and script breakdown, I now have all the necessary preparations for when I begin shooting the film.

The film was shot today, I also had the actress sign the contract.

I have begun editing today, I have started by piecing together the footage for continuity pruposes and then I will focus on more specialised editing such as fast or slow cuts and colour corrections.

I have finished editing and uploaded my film to vimeo.

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